Saturday, February 17, 2007

Happy CNY

To all the people who've msged me in the past but have yet to receive a reply, i apologise for my tardiness. God needs to give me a bigger brain and more seconds in an hour, hours in a day, and day in a week.

Will be going down to Malacca tomorrow at blardy 7 in the morning and i'm still awake and have yet to pack my things up. Just wanna wish those that take the time to check this blog out a very Happy and Prosperous (very important!) Chinese New Year.

Enjoy ur holiday

Anybody up for clubbing next Saturday give me a shoutout!


Anonymous said...

Gong Xi Fa Cai. Wan Shi Ru Yi!

Ganymede said...

Happy CNY~~~

What you doing in Melaka? I was there too for family visiting.