Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Viva La Dance

A friend of mine loaned me QAF season 1 a few months back and until today, i have yet to watch pass the first episode of the whole season. Okok before u start throwing stones at me, let me at least explain myself. You see, QAF is indeed a really great series no doubt but the problem was i watched the first 3 episodes of the UK version a few years back now and it has the exact same storyline as its American counterpart. After watching for about half hour of the US version i grew bored and nvr continued...that is until today.

I was doing some studying and after awhile i needed a serious break but there wasnt anything nice on astro. I hate wasting my break time watching programs i dont like so i decided to give QAF another try. I skipped straight to episode 3 and now i'm hooked. I've only watched 2 episodes today but the one thing thats really hit me is gay guys really know how to party! I mean watching those scenes where they're in Babylon, i can just see the energy and sexual tension oozing from the screen. And the best part is i know thats exactly how its like in REAL LIFE gay clubs as well. Given, we dont have those almost naked sex gods dancers here in Msia, but the rest of the crowd is exactly the same in my opinion. Thats why i love going to gay clubs.

Unless you do the shuffle, its rare to see any straight guys really going at it, dancing and swaying to the music in clubs. The last group of friends i used to club with, well i was almost always the only guy really moving to it with the girls while the rest of the guys just have this gentle sway that they always do. So obviously to take the attention off me, i started to make sure that everytime i danced, it was to a girl. Funny how grooving along shaking that ass in a group makes you gay but when u get down and dirty with a girl, u're da man.

Well needless to say, i was pretty lost when i finally did go to my first gay club here in Msia (Lq). The club was packed full with guys but to my horror, i found that i could not dance with a guy! Its sad to say but its true...my first time in a gay club in Msia and the only person i got dirty with was my friend (and she's a girl!). Of course i've had adequate training since so thats no longer a problem, thank god! Of course now arises the fact all gay boys dances like blardy professionals that i feel somewhat intimidated everytime i club...but that is easily cured with loads and loads of alcohol so its not really a problem either.

Hmm...arms are starting to twitch.

Is that my head bobbing?

Damn all this talk of clubbing is making my feet itchy.



MT said...

QAF rox! And Imma gurl. So...yeah.

Clubbing rox! No matter where it is. So yeah..

Comically Sad said...

hahaha mich i bet u love clubbing...seeing all the actions u get there ;)

n turn off ur blogger only comment option la. no fun, wanna comment but cant. i dont want anybody that knows me coming here lol

MT said...

hahaha ok will do.

And i love ze action! But got rejected last time. Feel the pain? FEEL IT! Hahaha.

So sad...

So sad..

ok i go turn it off now.