Monday, November 27, 2006

Like Boo boo's and Babies

If you go through the newspaper as thorough as my mum does, you would have probably come across a buy 1 get 1 free meal offer from Jacks Place some time ago. My mum loves these sort of things, like treasure hunting in the comfort of your own home. I think getting anything free from the newspaper gives her a thrill. One could see the excitement when she approached me the other day asking when i would be free to have lunch with her!

Mum : When are you free?
Me : depends. Why? (*eyes her suspiciously)
Mum : Lets go have lunch at Jacks Place in SP.
Me : How on earth do u even know of that place??? And why so generous???
Mum : Ta da...(*shows coupon)
Me : *Faints

Anyway since I finished early today, I gave her a call to see if she was free to go lunch, and she was. I tell you, that coupon came at a blardy good time! I've only got 20 bucks left in my wallet and 4 more days to go before the next payday arrives (ie allowance la :P). Plus I figured if we had time I could drag her along shopping and maybe get some new clothes for Christmas too.

So there we were in SP and trying to find Jacks Place. I went to the directory to see where it was and found it...only the add was OB and not like GF (ground floor) or LL1 (lower level one). We hunted high and low for this obscure OB floor only to discover half hour later it meant Oasis Boulevard! I'm such an idiot sometimes! Well the food there wasnt that great...nothing spectacular. I had the Steak with Sambal sauce which I was quite reluctant to have actually...I mean sambal on steak?!?!?! Anyway turns out the sauce was alright but the steak....they might as well call it a lump of lard! Definitely not impressed. I hate it when they have a set lunch menu which is cheaper but give shit quality products!

After lunch we did walk about SP but it always frustrates me that I really cant shop everytime I'm with my mum! Its like a curse (which I think she's cast on me!) I just dont feel like going into any shop when she's around..sigh. So we left and while we were walking towards our car, which was pretty far, something amusing happened.

There was this car doing a reverse parking at the entrance to the carpark just under SP so naturally nobody could cross. Unfortunately, drivers in Msia are incapable of understanding this virtue called patience.


*Car still reversing

Honk Honk!


*Car still trying to parking. Poor car behind it still cant move anywhere. Meekly accepts the honks.


Me and my mum smiled. Really, whats the point in honking? Do you think that the driver infront wont move on if he had no reason to stay? Plus those little staccato honks coming from various cars made it seem like someone was trying to compose a badly written tune. Not caring we walked on from the little scene. Suddenly the honks grew longer and more impatient. Then there were shouts! Both of us looked back again only to find two very pissed off car owners were coming out from their cars glaring fiercely at each other, fist clenched tightly. Obviously the car infront of the one honking couldnt take it anymore...and now there was a fight!

As the two guys were shouting

Me : See how immature grown ups can be too! Dont complain about me! Fighting over such little things. Lets go la. Mum?....Mum?....

I see my mum walking back towards the scene to get a better view!

Me : -.-

When my mum finally came back she was telling me how the guy in the first car went back in it to get some stick. There was a security guard there so I'm pretty sure he wont have the guts to even use it. Some people are so goddamn childish!


Went swimming after that whole charade. Its been awhile since I last swam so it felt really good. I have to swim more often and go less to the gym. Building up too much and I dont think it looks good. I'm like that, always such a fickle minded person. No wonder I can never obtain the results I want, because I dont even know what results I want in the first place. Anyway this time I'm gonna just stick to swimming and jogging more, less gym. After all, I'm still mourning the loss of my Fitness First membership (okok so I only joined that one month trial thing! I'm cheap :P)

Anyway while I was in the shower I looked down and..gasp!

What the fuck?!?!

My legs and ass werent the same colour! I was seriously confused/worried at that time. I thought I'd cut circulation from my ass or something. Turns out it was a tan line! A fucking tan line! I've never had a tan line before...or at least nothing this obvious. Usually it kindda just fades from dark to light, but never like a line with two different tones. All this as a result from swimming for one hour 4-5pm. Hmm....i like! Lol

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Vegetative State

Getting my inspiration from a certain someone,i decided to go on a detox-all-juice-one-day program as well. I've been feeling abit sluggish lately due to all those late nights and 5 hour sleep a day, not to mention flabby from lack of exercise, that i've decided to torture myself for one day. And torture it is! I cant tell you how sick i am of veg anymore and i suspect my body is protesting from the lack of meat and salt and everything else that has taste.

Lucky for me, i managed to get my hands on the complete second season of QAF before embarking on such an insane program so at least when my parents find me passed out on my bed due to severe lack of meat (yes i like my meat very much!), there would be this contented smile on my face. Of course the problem would be stopping them from taking a peak at my computer, which would by now probably be in screen saver mode, and discovering how much pleasure their son gets out of watching hot and sweaty bodies working it at shoddy clubs.

Ok i'm sorry, got kindda distracted there. But seriously, i think this is the last time i'm ever gonna think about detox diet again. My head feels woozy now that i'm not too sure if i'm even thinking straight. I have a feeling i'm not gonna last for dinner. Suddenly i'm having a craving for pizza. Damn!

Thursday, November 23, 2006


'Here's a riddle for ya
Find the answer'

Ironicly, this song was playing over and over again in my head as i sat for my programming test. Thing is i dont know who has the bigger riddle, me trying to answer the question, or her trying to decipher my answers.


After reading Jay's post on Wicked, i decided to download The Wizard of Oz to watch for myself. I've never realised it until my mum told me today, while we were watching the show, that i've not watched it before even as a child. I've only read the book. No wonder nothing looked familiar!

Me : How come i dont remember any of this?
Mum : Thats because u never watched this show before.
Me : I've such a deprived childhood!
Mum : Whatever.

Anyway back to the story, i loved the Munchkins! And i liked the song they sang too! And the way the house fell on the wicked witch of the east and you can see her feet still sticking out from under the house! Hillarious! Although i did find her voice abit irritating.

I dont know bout you guys but everytime i watch some old movie eg Sound of Music, i always get this warm fuzzy feeling inside. It makes me reminisce back to those long school breaks when me and my mum would huddle infront of the tv watching Disney channel and watch those classics that they always show and together we would laugh. Somewhere along the line, the laughter faded, grew more infrequent. Its sad.

Makes me wonder how things will be if i ever do come out to them. Sometimes i really want to just come clean and confess to them whenever they question me but just the thought of me causing them more pain is more than enough to stop me. I guess i'll just hold on to the peace for as long as i can before the storm hits home.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


'Why do girls make better engineers?

Because they can demolish an erection
without damaging it'

Did u get that? Well neither did i. Some old guy told me this joke while i was in the sauna today. I like to think of myself as a pretty friendly person, but sometimes a guy just need some quiet time, ya kno. I mean the room was freaking hot and i just wanted to rest and sweat away in peace after a hard workout but noo, he kept on rambling and asking questions even tho i kept giving him da smile! Everybody knows that you dont continue after getting da smile! Its universal! But being the nice guy that i am, i just kept on smiling and nodding my head. I'm such a softy i know (but not the kind you're thinking of right now!)

Anyway i have a small itsy bitsy tiny weeny programming test tomorrow which i am totally not prepared for...and i'm going out yum char. Talk about priorities.


Monday, November 20, 2006

Our Beloved Country

MALAYSIA'S been at it again, arguing about what proportion of the economy each of its two main races — the Malays and the Chinese — owns. It's an argument that's been running for 40 years. That wealth and race are not synonymous is important for national cohesion, but really it's time Malaysia grew up.

It's a tough world out there and there can be little sympathy for a country that prefers to argue about how to divide wealth rather than get on with the job of creating it.

The long-held aim is for 30 per cent of corporate equity to be in Malay hands, but the figure that the Government uses to justify handing over huge swathes of public companies to Malays but not to other races is absurd. It bases its figure on equity valued, not at market value, but at par value.

Many shares have a par value of say $1 but a market value of $12. And so the Government figure (18.9 per cent is the most recent figure) is a gross underestimate. Last month a paper by a researcher at a local think-tank came up with a figure of 45 per cent based on actual stock prices. All hell broke loose. The paper was withdrawn and the researcher resigned in protest. Part of the problem is that he is Chinese.

"Malaysia boleh!" is Malaysia's national catch cry. It translates to "Malaysia can!" and Malaysia certainly can. Few countries are as good at wasting money. It is richly endowed with natural resources and the national obsession seems to be to extract these, sell them off and then collectively spray the proceeds up against the wall.

This all happens in the context of Malaysia's grossly inflated sense of its place in the world.

Most Malaysians are convinced that the eyes of the world are on their country and that their leaders are world figures. This is thanks to Malaysia's tame media and the bravado of former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad. The truth is, few people on the streets of London or New York could point to Malaysia on a map much less name its prime minister or capital city.

As if to make this point, a recent episode of The Simpsons features a newsreader trying to announce that a tidal wave had hit some place called Kuala Lumpur. He couldn't pronounce the city's name and so made up one, as if no-one cared anyway. But the joke was on the script writers — Kuala Lumpur is inland.

Petronas, the national oil company is well run, particularly when compared to the disaster that passes for a national oil company in neighbouring Indonesia. But in some respects, this is Malaysia's problem. The very success of Petronas means that it is used to underwrite all manner of excess.

The KLCC development in central Kuala Lumpur is an example. It includes the Twin Towers, the tallest buildings in the world when they were built, which was their point.

It certainly wasn't that there was an office shortage in Kuala Lumpur — there wasn't.

Malaysians are very proud of these towers. Goodness knows why. They had little to do with them. The money for them came out of the ground and the engineering was contracted out to South Korean companies.

They don't even run the shopping centre that's beneath them. That's handled by Australia's Westfield.

Next year, a Malaysian astronaut will go into space aboard a Russian rocket — the first Malay in space. And the cost? $RM95 million ($A34.3 million), to be footed by Malaysian taxpayers. The Science and Technology Minister has said that a moon landing in 2020 is the next target, aboard a US flight. There's no indication of what the Americans will charge for this, assuming there's even a chance that they will consider it. But what is Malaysia getting by using the space programs of others as a taxi service? There are no obvious technical benefits, but no doubt Malaysians will be told once again, that they are "boleh". The trouble is, they're not. It's not their space program.

Back in July, the Government announced that it would spend $RM490 million on a sports complex near the London Olympics site so that Malaysian athletes can train there and "get used to cold weather".

But the summer Olympics are held in the summer.

So what is the complex's real purpose? The dozens of goodwill missions by ministers and bureaucrats to London to check on the centre's construction and then on the athletes while they train might provide a clue.

Bank bale outs, a formula one racing track, an entire new capital city — Petronas has paid for them all. It's been an orgy of nonsense that Malaysia can ill afford.

Why? Because Malaysia's oil will run out in about 19 years. As it is, Malaysia will become a net oil importer in 2011 — that's just five years


So it's in this context that the latest debate about race and wealth is so sad.

It is time to move on, time to prepare the economy for life after oil. But, like Nero fiddling while Rome burned, the Malaysian Government is more interested in stunts like sending a Malaysian into space when Malaysia's inadequate schools could have done with the cash, and arguing about wealth distribution using transparently ridiculous statistics.

That's not Malaysia "boleh", that's Malaysia "bodoh" (stupid).

Extracted from TheAge article

I have so much to comment, and i really want to voice my opinion on how much i agree with him, but i know that nothing will change. I've always tried to be supportive of our government, to try and understand the Malay sentiment about trying to take away their advantage. I dont really care about the fucking quota systems anymore, stopped complaining about how unfair it is for the other races that one gets so much more benefits while the others have to slog their whole life. But when i see things like this happening, the embarrassment is undeniable. How can we keep boasting of a nation with 3 main races living in harmony when in actual fact everybody knows its not true. There are discontent among many here in Malaysia, but everybodys just accepting it.

Its sad to see time and time again the government failing to make a braver stand and its sad to see our Malay brothers not trying to put any effort into setting things right either. Everytime something like this happens, an uproar occurs. And not just the common people, but supposedly educated people in parliment. Hard to see how 'sensitive' matters ever gets discussed if nobody can keep a clear head while tackling problems like this. No wonder such matters have been in debate for centuries.

And its true how much money we waste on countless useless projects. Like the many times we see them building roads, only to start digging up something, retaring it again, then digging again. Makes you wonder who actually does the planning on these kind of things, if any. Or how they build a highway, then discover that there is a bottle-neck in front after that, thus causing a massive backlog.

I really hate to say it but our government and country has caused me much sadness again and again. I just hope that someone in power opens up his/her eyes to the real problem and have the guts to tackle it head on. Better to go through alittle turmoil now then have a whole country collapse later with everybody pointing fingers at whose fault it is.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

The Journey

I love roadtrips!

It started off with a drizzle when EN finally arrived at my house to pick me up. Thank god I was downstairs because as usual my phone decides who I'm allowed to receive calls from and it rejected her, but I was able to see her car pulling up my driveway. Seriously I'm getting loads of msg telling me all the miss calls I've got. That's what you get for buying a RM1300 phone for RM 900 bucks. At that time I thought I got myself a bargain, look who's laughing now.

Anyway the journey there was pretty fun. Don't know if anyone grew annoyed at my persistent singing. I mean I've got to keep practicing if I ever want to be a rock star right? Even if my appearances would be limited to karaoke booths where I have to pay to sing instead of it being the other way around, like it should be! I've always said it doesn't matter where we're going, its the journey that counts. I think there's something magical about close friends being trapped in the confines of a car, and trust me a Satria with a huge pillow is even smaller. Just stock the car up with loads of goodies and you've got yourself a guaranteed good time.

So we dropped Addy off at A'Famosa where his party was happening for that night, n let me tell you that the 'villa' they were staying in, well not exactly my idea of the perfect holiday destination. I mean even the roads leading up to that area could have fooled us. I thought i was gonna visit fucking Freddy Kruger on Elms Street! And it started, first there were like this fucking bright massive bolts of lightnings coming from the sky, then it started raining! Lucky there were like 40 plus people there so it wasnt that bad. I wouldnt stay in that place if there were only a few people, perfect set-up for a horror movie. Oh wait, i'm not staying there at all so its alright. Leaving Addy was a laugh tho. I mean i can still remember how we all said our goodbye to him, like he was going on some dangerous mission and might never come back! We were all going 'Take care', 'Be careful ar', 'Call if anything happens' and the funniest 'Dont fucking drown in the pool when ur drunk!'. I said that!

I think i shall leave the next part for some other time. Too lazy tired to type anymore for now.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Lazy Days

Its not everyday i get an email from the university stating that my lecturer is ill and therefore class tomorrow is canceled. Although feeling bad for that poor guy, i secretly wish in my heart that many more would follow after him thus giving me me plenty of rest days. I know i'm selfish, considering the obscene amount of holidays i get due to our ever generous government, not to mention the occasional self-awarded holidays i give myself, but i guess holidays are never enough arent they? Its always been a mystery to me how my holidays can just fly by and by the end of it all i always end up more tired then when it started. Weird huh? I know its definately not because of all that dancing i do in the clubs (actually i dont dance very much), or the late night mamak sessions, or the crazy inexplicable urges we sometimes get to go up Genting for a cup of freezing caramel frappachino at hours shared with vampires and werewolves, because obviously who gets tired doing those things?

I guess this one day break came at the right time too. After spending countless hours trying to finish QAF i've finally done it. I cant help but say i love justin! He started out as this irritating kid who just doesnt know when to quit but throughout the show he's somehow evolved into something much deeper. I especially love the part where he gets crushed when he becomes the backup plan of brian and decides to join that Mr Babylon contest. U go girl! I think he's best quality is that he never gives up, always hoping and waiting for Brian to reciprocate his love. I think its sweet and also sad how it ends at the end.

Now i just need to find someone with season 2-5 of the show! Damn, i'm addicted!

Anyway tomorrow i'll be heading down to Malacca. Kindda like a road trip but not quite. A friend of mine is having some kind of unofficial company trip, how weird is that lol We were out one day and he was just bitching about the people he was going to go down there with and how they sorta divided the cost of it unequally, like saying only guys pay when theres like 3 guys n 2 girls going down in one car. Thats bullshit if u ask me. I mean if i'm going out on a date with a girl (as if i would) then yes i would pay, or if we watched a movie, but if we're going on a trip, i think everybody should be equal. I just dont see the reason why the girls should be excluded! I'll like to see when they organise a trip to, say US, if those guys would say the same thing. The only one who is allowed to be excluded in my opinion would be the car owner who's driving. Thats all.

So anyway, sry got carried away, will be heading down to Malacca. Dont quite know what we're gonna do there because besides eating and more eating, theres really nothing much to do in Malacca. Of course now with Jonker Walk about, we get to see the Ah Bengs and Ah Lians in their full glory. That would probably give us some topic of conversations lol. Seriously i'm amazed each time i go back during Chinese New Year at the total difference in style that it verges on the border of cultural shock. Of course i shall not say too much as some of my friends have commented on me slowly going towards the dark side too.

Well, i have to get back to my work now. Still have one report to finish and plenty of C programming (cursed language) to brush up on.

Tomorrow, the hunt begins for the ultimate bargain in Mahjong tiles! Let the ride begin!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

From somewhere deep within
the shaded trees.
From rocky paths
and hidden caves.
From heavan above
those dark and angry clouds.
Springs the essence of life
that freely flows.

Who can say where the rain may fall?
Or guide the path it chooses?
Or stop the mighty river from flowing?
Only by Gods hands will it quiver.

Just as water flows
so our lives the same.
The path it carves
guided by circumstances.
The rapids comes with the still
The fall comes with its thrill
What is life without it all?

Throughout this journey
the joy i found.
To put words to it
its too profound.
I'm glad we met
at some point in time.
I'll never trade it for a million dime.
You made me see what love could be.
For that i thank you endlessly.

The tears i shed is not of sorrow,
Its the endless possibilities
of what comes with tomorrow.
If you and me were meant to be,
I wait for the day of
holy matrimony.

Till then my friend
Till that day comes
In me you'll find the best i can
To hold and carry and cry
To smile, be merry and laugh
To share your thoughts and tears and dreams
To give you strenght to carry on with things
Till then my friend
Till that day comes
Let us remember those good old days
With memories of laughter and joy
Of music and dancing and games.

I hope the both of us finds that land over the rainbow where dreams really do come true.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Viva La Dance

A friend of mine loaned me QAF season 1 a few months back and until today, i have yet to watch pass the first episode of the whole season. Okok before u start throwing stones at me, let me at least explain myself. You see, QAF is indeed a really great series no doubt but the problem was i watched the first 3 episodes of the UK version a few years back now and it has the exact same storyline as its American counterpart. After watching for about half hour of the US version i grew bored and nvr continued...that is until today.

I was doing some studying and after awhile i needed a serious break but there wasnt anything nice on astro. I hate wasting my break time watching programs i dont like so i decided to give QAF another try. I skipped straight to episode 3 and now i'm hooked. I've only watched 2 episodes today but the one thing thats really hit me is gay guys really know how to party! I mean watching those scenes where they're in Babylon, i can just see the energy and sexual tension oozing from the screen. And the best part is i know thats exactly how its like in REAL LIFE gay clubs as well. Given, we dont have those almost naked sex gods dancers here in Msia, but the rest of the crowd is exactly the same in my opinion. Thats why i love going to gay clubs.

Unless you do the shuffle, its rare to see any straight guys really going at it, dancing and swaying to the music in clubs. The last group of friends i used to club with, well i was almost always the only guy really moving to it with the girls while the rest of the guys just have this gentle sway that they always do. So obviously to take the attention off me, i started to make sure that everytime i danced, it was to a girl. Funny how grooving along shaking that ass in a group makes you gay but when u get down and dirty with a girl, u're da man.

Well needless to say, i was pretty lost when i finally did go to my first gay club here in Msia (Lq). The club was packed full with guys but to my horror, i found that i could not dance with a guy! Its sad to say but its first time in a gay club in Msia and the only person i got dirty with was my friend (and she's a girl!). Of course i've had adequate training since so thats no longer a problem, thank god! Of course now arises the fact all gay boys dances like blardy professionals that i feel somewhat intimidated everytime i club...but that is easily cured with loads and loads of alcohol so its not really a problem either.

Hmm...arms are starting to twitch.

Is that my head bobbing?

Damn all this talk of clubbing is making my feet itchy.


Monday, November 13, 2006


We always hurt the ones we love the most.

Disillusioned, i thought we could go our separate ways amicably. Two lovers walking down two separate paths thats parallel, to be apart yet never far. I failed to see that while i may choose the path parallel to his, he's choosen a path that goes the other way. Disillusioned.

So i've promised myself i wont let anyone see the tears anymore. I made the choice so its my burden to carry. Strange enough i was confused at the things he was doing. Is it payback? Is he trying to hurt me? But i've stopped caring about those things. I used to care, used to feel hurt whenever he did those things because i guess i loved him. But i have to stop the caring now, and in a sense, i think the loved went with it.

I remember that when i first started writing here, i promised myself no more emo stuff. And sometimes i get scared at the amount of things i reveal about myself here. So i'm officially closing this chapter of my life. Tomorrow is a new day, and with it i hope brings a new adventure.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Somewhere Over This Rainbow

Somewhere over the rainbow
way up high
There's a land that I heard of
Once in a lullaby

Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue
And the dreams you dare to dream
Really do come true

Someday i'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemondrops
Away above the chimney tops
Thats where you'll find me

Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh why can't i?
Someday i'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemondrops
Away above the chimney tops
Thats where you'll find me

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Isnt It Funny?

What is this feeling?
This gaping hole
This empty void
This tainted heart
This pain sensation
This ache inside

I wish i could reach in
and rip it out.
To rid of this thing
that causes too much pain.
They say love hurts
well they fucking lied
for this isnt hurt
its death in disguise.

Funny how i wanted you so bad the first time i saw you. I saw the joy in ur eyes, the laughter in ur smile. The casual glances you threw my way on occasions when we did meet made my heart flutter. Till now i still cant believe we're together, that fate actually brought us to this point. In each others arms we found happiness.

Funny how i sit at home alone now, thinking what went wrong. Thinking of the things we shared, of our futures we talked about. Of the time we talked about our dreams, our aspirations and our goals. To grow old together and never being apart. To make plans for the weekends, to lose money to Uncle Lim. In each others arms we found comfort.

Funny how one little action can cause such a big change. To let go of something so precious, so beautiful, because of something so small. But its the little things that matters. Its the little things that moves bigger things. And i cant bear the hurt again, i really cant.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Bottled Up

I use to think that i was a very open person. I thought that i'd prefer sharing my problems instead of keeping them all inside whenever i'm going through a rough patch. I dont anymore.

I'm not sure if this is really who i've been all this time or maybe i'm just becoming more and more reserve as life passes me by. I say life because it just seems as though the more challenges life throws at me the more i harden the shell around me, making it stronger then it was before - more impenetrable until even my friends cant break through.

I know of someone whom u could call the strong silent type and we were pretty close once.

I remember asking him before 'Dont you ever grow tired of keeping everything to yourself?'.

'Whats the use of telling? I dont want to trouble others with what i'm going through so i just put on this happy mask'. That was his response.

I didnt agree with him at that time...but somewhere along the line i've become that person. I've become the person that refuses to let people in so easily anymore. Afraid that if they do, they'll see the insecurities in me, the fear and the uncertainty. Even the bf is kept at bay sometimes when i'm at my most vulnerable. I guess its always easier to let people see the happier side.

I know that i need to be strong. To be the dependable one for the ones i care and love because there is no where else to look. So i try to bottle things up inside, hoping that if no one see's my troubles they would assume that everything is alright and maybe, just maybe i could convince myself that everything really is alright too. But sometimes the dam breaks. Alittle crack here and there, and sudddenly the pressure becomes too much and everything comes out. Suddenly it seems that the weight of the whole world rests upon your shoulder and you dont know where to turn to. That one day was today.

But dont ask me if i'm fine, because i'll say yes. Dont push me to tell, because i'll just smile. Just know that inside is a raging river that i'm trying to tame. So if i sound distant somedays, if i seem distracted with something, just know that i'm working things out internally and give me time. This boy is a work-in-progress slowly adapting to the life of adulthood. Hopefully everything will turn out alright in the end.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Its not everyday i blog with coffee next to me, sitting on a sofa chair, killing myself bending forward to type on a laptop on a coffee table much too low for comfort, using wireless connection. Yes, today marks my first day blogging/surfing in Starbucks.

Me and a few friends decided to go to the Curve Starbucks today to finish our assignments as we all agreed no work could be done at home. On the way there we stopped by the show units at Damansara Perdana to check out the super luxurious condos ie Armanee Terrace 2 up for sale now to get alittle inspiration to study harder. Omg! I cant believe how amazing those units look. Cant believe Malaysia is heading towards that concept. Its awsome!

Of course, we were pretty shy to just walk in there and ask the sales agent to show us around so we had to have an excuse to view the units. Since my two friends have been there before and were afraid the sales agent would recognise them, i decided to pretend to be the one whose parents were considering purchasing a unit there thus asking me to view the place for my opinion. I must admit, playing rich was nice and I so rock at being rich hahaha...Anyone staying in Armanee Terrace 1 pls pls pls let me have a look at ur house. I promise i will forever be indebted to u lol. It was hard holding a straight face looking so unfazed while my jaw was actually below my knee drooling saliva over the lush carpet and expensive furniture. Acting is serious hard work ya know.

Anyways, with all the inspiration in us, we headed to Curve and on with our work. Another friend dropped by from work and i couldnt resist hitting the shops with him. He's also a shopperholic but straight. I showed him the t-shirt i wanted to get from British India and the first words he uttered were 'Dude u look so gay in that shirt'. I'm taking that as a compliment and now i'm so buying it lol. He probably suspects me now tho cos shortly after we came back he was going through the pics on my other friends camera and saw the shots of me and the bf that we took in Genting. Talk about bad timing. Anybody with half the brains would have guessed it straight away. Anyway he had this weird/puzzled look on him too lol so funny. Was contemplating telling him but...nah i'll just leave it for another time.

Watched a movie later after dinner at SakeSushi but i wont even talk about it. We watched Frostbiten...enough said. Such a waste of money and time.

Dead Meat

Today i saw a dead sparrow outside my lab while i was smoking.

And then i coughed.

Wonder if i've got bird flu?


*blink blink*

sry ppl this is what staring at the screen the whole day does to me.