Sunday, May 27, 2007

I drew a circle on the canvas of life
but the ends never met, i didnt know why
and then you showed up, and picked up the pen
and guided my hands, you made those ends meet

From that day on, i knew it would be
that life as i knew it, would change totally

I'm happy when you're happy
I grow sad when you're sad
I laugh at the sight of your laughter
I cry at the sight of your tears

Tho the journey was tough, with storms in our path
Tho the journey still is, with thorns in our side
Tho my heart sometimes grow weary having to decide
I never regretted the day i met you

And I love you

Love oh love, such a strong word
I kept it inside for such a long time
not wanting to say it in fear the meaning lost
should the timing be wrong just a second too short

But love is now, and love is us
I feel it in you, i hope you do too
The deeds that you do, your actions so loud
I'm constantly assured, of a love i'm so proud

Baby i love you!


savante said...

Sweet! :)

Anonymous said...

sugar overdose :)

happy for you pal

Ganymede said...

Awwwww. So sweet~~~

Anonymous said...

aww.. that's such a sweet poem ^^

wish u two happy always =)

Comically Sad said...

heh...thanks guys.