Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Random Random Random

One can usually tell the transition period. Notice how my blog was full of post the last few weeks and then *poof* nothing? Well thats because i've finally completed all required assignments and my eyes were hurting so bad by the end of it that i didnt really feel like staring into the computer anymore then i needed to. Oh and i have all my notes on printed papers this time around too so i dont have to depend on my com.

And can somebody pls tell me how on earth do I ( <--- notice bold letter!) write a letter of recommendation for MYSELF!?!?!

Yes!!! You see the connection?!

Wrote to my lecturer yesterday requesting for a letter of recommendation and he replied saying he was busy and if i wanted it i'll have to draft out one for him and let him make some 'minor adjustments'! How on earth can i write my own letter of recommendation?!?! AND he'll be reading what I write about ME! Its like blowing my own horn! Damn perasan case lor!


Anyways have to get back to work la and writing that damn PERASAN SYOK SENDIRI letter!

Oh and i have to say i love 3G *snicker*


lucas said...

I will forward you a sample letter than u need to change accordingly.

Anonymous said...

u shld be happpy u can write ur own!

William said...

This is always the case it seems-- writing it yourself. Never written one before.

Comically Sad said...

clay: thanks :)

cy: ok u try writing praises about yourself knowing that someone else is going to read it n see how easy it is lol seriously...go try! You'll feel damn perasan man.

will: yup, and it wasnt easy at all lol! tone down too much and the letter sounds bad and boring, praise too much and you feel like some super perasan freak :S