Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Millennium Bug Flu

Today sucked. Had a test that i practically screwed and feeling as sick as ever. I'm just trying not to get paranoid but there has been emails going around in my uni about cases of TB and its hard not to draw the stupid conclusion when i have a few of the symptoms stated. Lets just hope its a case of paranoia or lots of ppl are gonna start feeling pretty ill too as TB is an airborn virus lol.

On to more sucky news, my poor computer is also on the verge of being scrap...or at least i think it is. Last night i woke up to the most awful beeping groan my computer could ever generate from its mechanical bowels as i left it on to download new series. I naturally did what any caring compasionate human would do - I unplugged the switch and went back to bed. Obviously i had the righ to be pissed! Not only does switching it off mean i dont get to finish downloading my series, it also means i have to start worrying about whats wrong with it...and i'm crap at computers. However, i managed to get it running again for the moment so lets just hope the problem goes away on its own.

Ok i'm tired of typing now so goodnight folks.

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