Friday, January 26, 2007


"Heads you live,
Tails you die"

Finally, after one and a half weeks of holidays, i managed to squeaze in a movie! I've got lots overdue in my house, all loaned from friends whom have all but given up asking if i'm done with their dvds yet. So its one down, nine more to go...seriously! If the first one took a year to be seen, i wonder how long more before i'll be done with the rest.

So now that you know how long those dvds have been resting in my house, pardon the late discussion about the show DOMINO. This one i actually bought a few months back because i remember reading a review about it and it sounded interesting. My mistake, it wasnt was awesome! I love the kick-ass version of Keira and that sultry eyes of hers! One look at those eyes can just melt my heart. Maybe i'm straight after

Anyway, did a quick google on the real Domino only to find out that the whole money heist thing didnt really happened. Instead, according to wikipedia, she was a drug addict constantly high on drugs. Whats really brilliant is that, given this fact, it still doesnt really discredits the whole movie. I mean that whole episode really could have been what she thought she was going through during any of her euphoric states and its debatable. However, all does not go well for the real Domino though as she died from an OD. Wikipedia doesnt say anything about the little girl though so i dont quite know if that part was real or fiction and its too late to do any sort of fact finding.

Oh and Edgar Ramirez!!! What oh what can i say about him except he was so damn sexy! And that part where he stripped down to his briefs (and skimpy too :P) doing laundry, i had to hold a bucket under my head from all that drool! And contrary to what they all said, I totally found his spanish thing cute. Dont fret Ramirez, come talk spanish to me anytime you want! I swear we'll do a fucking lot more then just talk :P Makes me wanna go to Spain!


I really need a longer holidays! i think i've only completed like 4/9 of my to do list, which is really bad. I've only had the chance to take an afternoon nap like one day so far and i really want to nap more before i dont have the chance to *sob sob! Plus i need to loan a four-wheel drive lol Anybody out there has one and is willing to loan it to me for a day? I will be eternally grateful! LOL


Just checked my mail and found that Kmart spammed my mail asking if i was interested in joining some kind of health competition just because i wrote a post on going to the gym! Anybody else getting spam emails due to their blogs? Tell me i wanna know :)


Anonymous said...

Domino. The first thing that pops into mind is Domino's Pizza :P

4WD?!? what r u planning to do lah? rob a bank? XD

will a mini MPV do?

no spams or indecent proposals so far *cross fingers

Comically Sad said...

well she's much cooler then that :P
MPV cannot la...terrain too rough, later u cry lol

Derek said...

Domino? Tak pernah dengar pun ...

Oh, and I can assure you're not straight, my dear K ... LOL