Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Dream

He opened his eyes to find the house filled with people. They were sitting all around him - all silent, all dressed in black. He tried to catch their gaze, but those that looked up only looked past him. Their faces were etched with sorrow but it wasn't the kind of grief that one does for a good friend or a loved one. This was more of sadness at having to go through death.

Unable to get anyones attention, he decided to wonder the house. The people that filled it were all strangers to him. Some bore semblance to people he might have known, but none really showed any recognition of him. And so he walked on. Down a dimly lit corridor until he reached another section of the house.

It was a huge hall. Again like the other, the room was filled with people shuffling about. They all looked to the center of the room, staring at the black coffin that laid amongst a bed of brightly coloured flowers. With small steps, he slowly made his way towards it.

Funny how the room seems much smaller now, he thought to himself as he approached the coffin. In just a few steps, he found himself beside the polished black box. Suddenly the air was still and the crowd that was there a moment ago disappears, leaving just him and the black box in front of him.

The lid was up, inviting him to have a peek. He took a second to consider before tiptoeing and leaning forward to have a look. He was greeted by his own reflection, only his reflection had his eyes closed. It took him a moment before he could register what was going on, and then the fear came along with a gasp as he woke up.


Anonymous said...


and hit a glass panel. Bewildered, he looked around him and it was dark, pitch darkness, and the air was so stale and lifeless. He stretched out his hands and leg but he couldn't, he's trapped. He started to pound frantically at the four walls that surrounded him and shouted for help at the top of his lungs. Suddenly, the top wall started to move and some light illuminated his surroundings. It looked wrong for it's not his room. He looked up through the glass panel and human like silhouettes were moving around him. When his eyes finally regained its focus, a familiar face was hovering on top of him, crying.


Ganymede said...

That's a freaky ass dream if you ask me.

Comically Sad said...

jl: if that was the ending, then thank god i woke up when i did :)

qr: yeah man, i woke up with my heart racing :S